New Members:

Membership in the Association is open to all residents within the Fairwinds Community and within immediately adjacent neighbourhoods.

To become a new member of the FCA, please complete this application form FCA Membership Form and email it to

Dues are $25 for 1 year, or $60 for 3 years (a savings of $15). Please submit your payment as outlined below.


If you are already a member of the FCA, and wish to renew, simply provide your payment as outlined below.
Dues are $25 for 1 year, or $60 for 3 years (a savings of $15).

Payment Methods


eTransfer your payment to and please include your name and address in the e-transfer.

Via Mail:

Mail the payment (cheque only please) to Fairwinds Community Association,  PO Box 281, Nanoose Bay, BC  V9P 9J9